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A home is not a home without windows. Windows allow natural light and natural ventilation to pass through and circulate. They come in different sizes and styles, The standard style used in Virginia Homes modular homes are double-hung windows.

Double-hung windows are a preferred by many homeowners because they stand out in form and functionality. Here are three reasons why:

  1. Double-hung windows are low-maintenance. Incorporating double-hung windows in your modular floor plan is practical because unlike other types of windows, cleaning double-hung windows is less time consuming and hassle-free. This is because both the upper and lower sashes can be tilted out, or removed, making the cleaning easier.
  2. Double-hung windows are aesthetically versatile. Double-hung windows go with any house style, from traditional to modern, and with any color palette or interior style, and can be customized by window size. Even for homes built using modular construction , homeowners will find double-hung windows that will complement their modular home.
  3. Double-hung windows are safe and energy-efficient. Double-hung windows do not open out and are lockable, preventing accidents and break ins. Double hung windows are also airtight which makes them more efficient.

Double-hung windows remain a very popular and trusted choice of window for many homeowners .To find out more about double-hung windows for modular homes, contact Virginia Homes Building Systems.

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